Privacy Policy

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů v češtině zde.


Information on the processing of personal data

TESLA Electronics LTD, organizational unit with registered office at Hybešova 255/17, 602 00 Brno, ID 01630385 takes care to protect the personal data you provide to us. It is important that you know that we process the personal data you provide to us responsibly, transparently and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

You have the right to request information about the personal data recorded, its correction or deletion if it is based on your consent. Where automated processing takes place, you have the right to data portability and not to be subject to a decision based solely on that decision. If you have any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact us in writing at our registered office.


Security of your personal data

TESLA Electronics LTD, a business unit is committed to the security of the personal data you provide to us. We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data sufficiently in view of the seriousness of its processing. No unauthorized person has access to your personal data that we have collected from you, and we do not transfer it to other entities for further processing without your consent, unless required by law or to protect our legal interests.


Right to information

You have the right to ask TESLA Electronics LTD, an organizational unit, for information about what personal data we process about you, to what extent and for what purpose. We will provide you with this information free of charge within a period of no more than 30 days, and in emergency situations within a period of no more than 90 days. We will inform you in due time about the extension of the deadline in exceptional cases. If you request disclosure of information we hold about you, we will first need to verify that you are indeed the person to whom this information belongs. Therefore, please provide sufficient identification of you in your request. If necessary, we have the right to request additional information to identify you before providing you with the personal data we process about you.

We then have the right to reasonably refuse requests for information that are unreasonable or unreasonably repetitive, or would require unreasonable effort to obtain, or would be difficult to obtain (typically from back-up systems, archives, etc.).


Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain the personal data we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Upon your request, this data may be transferred to another controller.


Update of data, right to rectification

As personal data may change over time (for example, a change of surname), we would be pleased if you inform us that there has been a change so that we can keep your personal data up to date and avoid any possible mistakes. Providing information about a change in your data is strictly necessary for us to be able to properly carry out our activities as Data Controller. This also includes your right to have the personal data we hold about you corrected. If you find that our data is no longer up to date, you have the right to request its correction.


If you believe that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the applicable Czech and EU legislation, you have the right to object and we will subsequently verify the validity of your request. At the time of filing an objection, the processing of your personal data will be restricted until it has been verified that the objection is justified. We inform you that you also have the right to object to the processing of personal data we process about you by contacting the competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal data at:

Data Protection Authority
Pplk. Sochor 27
170 00 Prague 7


Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data if you believe that the data recorded in this way is not accurate or that we are processing it unlawfully and if you believe that we no longer need the data for the purposes of processing.


Right to erasure

If you have ever given us your consent to process your personal data (for example, your email address in the context of a newsletter sent to you), you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time and we are obliged to delete the data that we process solely on the basis of your consent. The right to erasure does not apply to data processed in the context of an obligation to perform a contract, legal reasons or legitimate interests. If some of your data is stored in back-up systems that automatically ensure the resilience of all our systems and act as a data loss protection function in case of accidents, it is not in our power to delete this data even from the back-up systems and it is often not technically feasible. However, this data is not actively processed in any way and will not be used for further processing purposes.


Where can you turn to

You can also contact us with your data protection questions at or at our headquarters:

TESLA Electronics, a subsidiary of
Hybešova 255/17
602 00 Brno

Delivery address:
Blučina 704
664 56 Blučina


Websites - log files

If you access and view our website, we process the following log files and store them on our servers. The information we store includes:

  • Your IP address
  • The page of our website you are opening
  • Response code http
  • Your browser identification

We process this information for a maximum period of one year and only for the purposes of our legal protection.



When you visit our website, you are informed that we use technology to collect and store information by placing cookies on your device. Cookies are small text files that we do not send anywhere, you can delete these cookies from your browser or disable their use altogether. Cookies do not collect any of your personal information, however, without these cookies we are unable to ensure the full functionality of the website.


Analysis and statistics

We monitor and analyse the website using analytics services. None of the data we analyse using this service is your personal data. We use this service to collect traffic and geographic data, information about the browser and operating system from which you access our website. We use all of this information for marketing purposes, to further improve the website and content, and for legal protection purposes.


Sending news to your email

In case you are interested in receiving product offers from TESLA Electronics LTD, the organizational unit operating the eshop e-shop, via the email address you provide to us and you consent to such use of your email address, we will process this email exclusively for these purposes. TESLA Electronics LTD, an organizational unit does not pass on the email address thus obtained to any other entities. Should you decide at any time in the future that you no longer wish to receive emails from TESLA Electronics LTD, organizational unit for this purpose, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of that email address by email or in writing to the address of the company's registered office.


Retargeting via

Processing of personal data for advertising and retargeting purposes

As part of our marketing strategy, we use retargeting through the Seznam Sklik service, which is operated by, a.s. We only share email addresses of users who have subscribed to our TESLA newsletter. These data are uploaded to the Seznam Sklik system, where they are matched with the database of and the subsequent creation of so-called custom user lists. Retargeting advertising refers to the recommendation of TESLA brand products to users who are logged in to the service and have given their consent to advertising targeting.

Legal basis of processing and consent, legitimate interest

When processing personal data for retargeting purposes, we ensure that the processing is in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, in particular the GDPR. This processing takes place on the basis of your consent, which you gave us when registering to subscribe to our newsletter. Legitimate interest: We carry out retargeting based on legitimate interest. Users have the option to opt out of retargeting campaigns and are informed about why they are being shown ads.

Data retention period

Email addresses are stored for as long as you are subscribed to our newsletter. After unsubscribing from the newsletter, e-mail addresses are immediately removed from the retargeting database.

Your rights and options to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data for retargeting purposes at any time. If you decide to withdraw your consent, we will immediately remove your data from our own user lists in the Seznam Sklik system. You can revoke your consent by sending a request to our e-mail address:

Security and protection of personal data

The company, a.s. ensures that after the pairing process is completed, your data will be securely deleted in accordance with their terms and privacy policy. Your personal data is protected through technical and organizational measures that ensure its security and confidentiality.


Processing of personal data

Please see how TESLA Electronics LTD, organizational unit processes the following personal data/categories of personal data, including the specified legal titles, purposes and processing times for each record of processing activities.


Categories: Business documentation

Order from e-shop

The data was obtained from another entity ... No

The record contains information about a minor ... No

Legal title ... Execution of the contract

Personal data ... Address (Personal data), Delivery address (Personal data), Email (Personal data), First name (Personal data), Last name (Personal data), Telephone (Personal data)

Purpose of processing ... To process the order and dispatch the ordered goods.

Processing time ... until the order is delivered to the recipient

Recipients ... shipping services


Category: Marketing

Sending e-shop news - newsletter

The data was obtained from another entity ... No

The record contains information about a minor ... No

Legal title ... Consent

Personal data ... Email (Personal data)

Purpose of processing ... To receive news and price promotions related to our website

Processing time ... indefinitely

Registration form - extended warranty action

The data was obtained from another entity ... No

The record contains information about a minor ... No

Legal title ... Consent

Personal data ... Email (Personal data)

Purpose of processing ... To receive news and price promotions related to our website

Processing time ... for the duration of the extended warranty


Categories: Warehouse and service

Documentation related to the physical order processing and claims procedure

Complaint protocol

The data was obtained from another entity ... No

The record contains information about a minor ... No

Legal title ... Execution of the contract

Personal data ... Address (Personal data), Delivery address (Personal data), Email (Personal data), First name (Personal data), Last name (Personal data), Telephone (Personal data)

Purpose of processing ... Handling customer complaints

Duration of processing ... for the duration of the warranty

Delivery note and tax document

The data was obtained from another entity ... No

The record contains information about a minor ... No

Legal title ... Execution of the contract

Personal data ... Address (Personal data), Delivery address (Personal data), First name (Personal data), Last name (Personal data)

Purpose of processing ... order completion, dispatch of the shipment to the recipient, issue of the tax invoice

Period of processing ... according to the time limit set by law


Recipients of personal data (subcontractors of the controller)

  1. If you agree to the transfer of personal data for the purpose of evaluating your purchase, we will forward the order information together with your e-mail address to The latter may then use it to obtain an independent evaluation of our products and services. The personal data transmitted will only be held for as long as necessary for this use.
  2. We determine your satisfaction with your purchase through e-mail questionnaires as part of the Verified by Customers program, in which our e-shop is involved. These are sent to you every time you make a purchase with us, unless you refuse to receive them in accordance with Section 7(3) of Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on certain information society services. The processing of personal data for the purpose of sending questionnaires within the framework of the Verified by Customers programme is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, which consists in determining your satisfaction with your purchase with us. We use the processor, the operator of the portal, to send questionnaires, evaluate your feedback and analyse our market position; we may pass on information about the goods you have purchased and your e-mail address to for these purposes. Your personal data is not passed on to any third party for its own purposes when sending email questionnaires. You can object to the sending of email questionnaires within the framework of the Customer Verified programme at any time by rejecting further questionnaires using the link in the email with the questionnaire. If you object, we will not send you the questionnaire any further.


Transfer of personal data to third countries

There are no transfers of personal data to processors or other recipients in third countries or international organisations.



The privacy policy is reviewed regularly and may be updated if necessary. The last amendment to this Privacy Policy was made on Monday, June1, 2024.

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